Geoff Dunbar

Geoff Dunbar was born in Abingdon Oxfordshire.
He spent much of his boyhood between Helensburgh Scotland at his paternal grandparents home and Abingdon on Thames. His interest in animated films started when as a young boy he would frequent the local picture houses, At the age of 17 he started training at the Film Producers Guild in London and afterwards formed his own production company Grand Slamm Animation where he produced and directed the successful Lautrec and Ubu films, also The Frog Chorus
Daumiers Law, Tropic Island Humm, Tuesday and the Cunning Little Vixen from Jansceks beloved Opera.
Later he formed High Eagle Productions ltd.
Geoff is currently working on a new art project with Sir Paul McCartney.
What is your favourite British animation of all time?
favourite films . . . Two Gun Mickey . . . The Man Who Planted Trees . . . The Big Snit.
Provide a quirky quote or comment
Making an animated film is like keeping a large octopus in a small bucket!
or making love to an Elephant, 1: First you need to catch it, 2: its very very hard work,
3: you have to wait 2 years to see the result!